Please include the following information in your phone or email message: 1-Your name and contact information (to reach you with questions or to notify you when your order is complete.) 2-Details of your order (products you're ordering, color/size, quantity, embroidery requests-exactly how you want it to appear-please spell it out if leaving a phone message) 3-Your payment choice of cash, credit card, or check. (Credit Card orders can be taken on the phone or through email. The information I'll need to process your transaction is: Type of credit card, name as it appears on the credit card, credit card number, expiration date, three-digit security code from the back of your card, and your zip code.) PayPal invoices can also be emailed to be paid by credit card even if you are not a PayPal member. If you would prefer to pay by check, please make check payable to Stitches by Christine LLC and mail it to: Stitches by Christine, LLC P.O. Box 627 Montgomeryville, PA 18936-0627
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with questions or comments about this web site.